Mathematical Analysis of the Bose Polaron

ANR MaBoP (ANR-23-CE40-0025)

Jonas Lampart and Arnaud Triay

We study a dilute system of N interacting bosons coupled to an impurity particle via a pair potential in the Gross--Pitaevskii regime. We derive an expansion of the ground state energy up to order one in the boson number, and show that the difference of excited eigenvalues to the ground state is given by the eigenvalues of the renormalized Bogoliubov--Fröhlich Hamiltonian in the limit N→∞.

Benjamin Hinrichs and Jonas Lampart

In the Bogoliubov-Fröhlich model, we prove that an impurity immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate forms a stable quasi-particle when the total momentum is less than its mass times the speed of sound. The system thus exhibits superfluid behavior, as this quasi-particle does not experience friction. We do not assume any infrared or ultraviolet regularization of the model, which contains massless excitations and point-like interactions.