Postdoc in Mathematical Physics
A postdoc position is opening at the University of Burgundy in Dijon. The initial contract offering is for one year, with a possibility of extension by another year.
The area of research is mathematical approaches to cold Bose gases interacting with impurities. Possible topics include the derivation of effective equations, spectral theory of polaron models using analytic and/or probabilistic techniques, and analysis of the thermodynamic limit for dilute gases.
The expected qualification is a PhD in mathematics, or a PhD in physics combined with a strong background in mathematics. Candidates who have not yet defended their PhD may apply by submitting a letter of recommendation from their advisor, mentioning the expected date of the defense.
The position is funded by the projects "Controlled Quantum Simulation" (Region Burgogne Franche-Compté and EIPHI graduate school) and "Mathematical Analysis of the Bose Polaron" (ANR-DFG, in cooperation with the University of Tübingen). The salary after taxes will be around €2000-€2300 per month, depending on experience and tax status. Funds for covering travel expenses are available.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Jonas Lampart for further information.
Applications, including a CV with a list of publications, a letter of motivation, and two letters of recommendation (preferably sent directly by the author), should be submitted to:
Contact: Jonas Lampart,
Application Deadline: 13th July 2024
Starting Date: Late 2024 or early 2025.